4 Benefits of Using Soy Wax to Make Your Candles

Posted on: 18 June 2021


Typically, most candles are made from paraffin wax, but is it really the best option for your candle business? Paraffin wax is a cheap option that disperses fragrance well, but there's also a belief that it can release potentially dangerous toxins too. These candles also produce soot when they burn, and soot can be inhaled when airborne, which can be a problem for those who have children, seniors, or respiratory-impaired family members in the home. Thankfully, today's candle-making supply stores have plenty of other wax options to try, and one of the best is soy wax. Here are four of the biggest benefits you'll see from bringing soy wax to your candle business.

1. It's eco-friendly

Soy wax production is natural and sustainable since it's produced from soybean oil. Soybeans take just a few months to go from seed to harvest, so they can be replenished with ease. As such, its use in the production of candles are less harmful to the environment. Try to find a soy wax supplier that can confirm the origins of their supply, as the best eco-friendly soy wax comes from non-deforested farms and doesn't use pesticides in excess. 

2. It's better for your health

Unlike other, non-natural types of wax, soy wax is better for your health because it doesn't emit toxins when it burns. This ensures no nasty pollutants enter your customers' airways, keeping them and their family safe from respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Soy wax also produces significantly less soot than paraffin wax, increasing its health benefits.

3. It produces better quality candles

If you want repeat customers, you need to make sure your candles are the highest quality they can be. Soy wax produces better candles than paraffin wax for two reasons. Soy wax burns much longer than paraffin wax because paraffin wax has a low melting point. This makes soy candles are much more cost-effective for your customers than paraffin candles. On top of this, the lower melting point of soy wax creates a larger wax pool when the candle burns. This wax pool is what emits the scent your customers smell, so a bigger wax pool means a stronger and more fragrant candle.

4. It's easier to clean

Cleaning is one of the most bothersome parts of making candles, especially when it comes to tidying up spills. Paraffin wax doesn't dissolve in water, making it harder to wipe away. Soy wax, on the other hand, is water-soluble, so you can clean it up with ease. Not only is this a big perk for you, it will also help out the occasional customer who has an unfortunate spill at home.

Visit a candle-making supply store to see what they have in stock.